Previous Endorsements

Rocky Mountain News: April 16, 2003

"In Southwest Denver, District 2 has attracted a passel of candidates vying to replace Ted Hackworth after 24 years.  Our hands-down choice here is Jeanne Faatz, a political moderate who left the legislature a few years ago with a stellar record on fiscal and education issues.  We don't know who on the next council will assume Hackworth's long role as the budgetary watchdog, but we wouldn't be surprised if it turned out to be Faatz.  Unlike Hackworth, however, Faatz is adept at coalition-building, and should be a real force to reckon with."

"Another reason to support Faatz: While in the legislature, she prided herself on getting back to constituents within 24 hours of a call."

Rocky Mountain News: October 14, 1998

"Faatz has mastered the coalition-building skills she’s needed to see her bills through to enactment.  Her record is moderate, not ideological."

Denver Post: September 25, 1998

"Jeanne Faatz...has successfully sponsored bills extending the Sunshine Law to local government, regulating deceptive trade practices and establishing the rights of crime victims…(She also) sponsored a bill enabling establishment of schools of choice within the public schools."

"Faatz...rarely fails to pass the bills she sponsors...She has also been a much-needed advocate for Denver’s interests...Faatz’s proven effectiveness gives her the edge."

Denver Post: April 13, 2003

"Former state Rep. Jeanne Faatz is our pick in a seven-way race...A standout as a legislator, Faatz also served as director of the Colorado School-to-Career partnership."

Public Safety Groups Endorse Jeanne Faatz (2003)

Many District 2 city council candidates talk about police and fire services.  Only Jeanne Faatz has been endorsed by the firefighters, police, and sheriffs as the person most qualified to protect public safety.  Groups voting to support Faatz include the Denver Firefighters, the Police Protective Association, and the Fraternal Order of Police.

Citizen Comments

Below are unsolicited comments from Denver residents about Jeanne Faatz. These reflections capture the wide-ranging impact of her dedicated public service.

"Rarely if ever have I written to thank any of my elected officials. However, in your case I want to thank you for representing me! I am impressed every time I read your opinions, hear you on the radio, etc. Honestly, I feel that you are the only elected official I can count on to say what must be said."

"In the midst of all of the emotional speeches, you were the bright spot that stuck to the facts and reiterated why it made sense to have a balance of interests at play in these situations…. I’m more and more impressed with how you can articulate issues and rise above the drama."

"Thank you, thank you, thank you for your continued leadership and common sense when it comes to financial matters. At times it seems like you’re the only one who is watching the checkbook." (regarding opposition to elected official pay raises, with the city facing financial shortfalls)

"Thank you for looking into this issue of undocumented workers obtaining city contracts and work, while our legal citizens are out of work. I can’t express how important it is for our political representatives to be a voice for the people! You show courage and good moral standards by taking on this issue."

"You really have gone ‘above and beyond’ expectations in the performance of your position as Councilwoman for District Two specifically, and Denver in general. Never before have the residents of this community been kept as efficiently updated as to what is going on in our area."

"Every once in a while I watch the proceedings of the City Council, and I am always fascinated by your uncanny ability to see the obvious facts in most discussions…. I often find you are the only person overall that seems logical, thoughtful, and reasonable on any issue."

"If every partisan in every legislature and Congress followed Faatz’s protocol – skeptical, willing to listen, prepared to ask tough questions and accept straightforward answers, this would be a better country." (Barnes-Gelt: Faatz plays it straight, Denver Post, June 27, 2010)

"Jeanne Faatz, at this point, is the lone voice of reason on the council. She still believes in trivial things like free enterprise and property rights." (David Harsanyi, Denver Post 1/10/2005)

"I am so happy that we have someone like you who watches out for us. Thank you so much!"

"You are someone I have always admired and respected and I’ve tried to emulate you in many ways. You have the gift of asking probing questions and expecting straight answers but always in a gracious way.”

Denver Herald

Faatz gets back to basics

Jeanne in the News

The Denver Post

Faatz delivers feisty voice on council

The Pueblo Chieftain

Romer signs `schools of choice' into law

The Denver Post

Barnes-Gelt: Faatz plays it straight